Saturday, May 24, 2008

a stinkin' amazing life.

the other night i 'talked' ('chatted' would be a more appropriate term, i think) with my good friend jamie. and we started talking about all the things the Lord is doing and i had this great revelation: my life is amazing! He has done so much and is continuing to astound me with His great goodness. i can take credit for nothing nor could i have imagined it to be this awesome. He is so good to me.

i got this book in bible college called the light on the daily path. it was a gift to the dorm stewards the fall semester of '05. i read a verse was especailly encouraging:

"the beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him, who shelters him all the day long; and he shall dwell between His shoulders." deuteronomy 33:12

how i want to simply dwell between His shoulders!

this tuesday is my last day at walgreens! i admit it was a huge step of faith for me to finally decide to quit, but the Lord confirmed that this was the right choice and is providing in so many ways! only seven more weeks in the lower 48!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I have the exact same name! I live in a different State but my grandma lives around you! I so get what your saying. Rock on!