Wednesday, December 10, 2008

just in case you haven't heard...

we're having a beautiful baby girl!!


Chiara Mai. said...

i love you reid! and i am so excited for you!! and she will be born in MAY!!!! a big hug and kiss! ciao bella

Michael Spotts: . said...

Hello, Mrs. Madden. Please give my warm greeting to your dear aviator.

I trust you grant pardon for my long delay in answering your question regarding faith. Namely, in what sense does saving faith differ from the sort which the world may experience under the same term?

Twice I began to write out lengthy answers, but dissatisfaction with the clarity of my own responses has prompted me instead to attach a much superior answer from one of Spurgeon's sermons. Take it to yourself and read it carefully. I look forward to your thoughts, though granting you equal permission to extend your time before replying.
